Stack action products
Receive free products with your order!
With every order it is possible to choose a free product.
The more you spend the more free products you can choose. You can choose 1 product per level as soon as your total amount (the amount after any discount) meets the spending about for that level.
The stacking action is as follows:
Level | Spending amount | Number of products |
Level 1 | € 0,- | 1 free product |
Level 2 | € 50,- | 2 free products |
Level 3 | € 75,- | 3 free products |
Level 4 | € 100,- | 4 free products |
Level 5 | € 135,- | 5 free products |
Level 6 | € 180,- | 6 free products |
Promotional products may vary based on availability.
Promotional terms & conditions apply.
Note: The stack action requires going to the shopping cart. If you go to direct checkout, then unfortunately the stack promotion is not visible.