What payment options does PharmaHorse offer?
All payment methods are processed through Buckaroo.
When will you receive your order?
If your payment is completed successfully before 9:00 PM on Mondays to Fridays, your order will be shipped the same day.
How does PAYPAL work?
Read more here...
When will you receive your order?
If your order has been completed successfully it will be shipped to you as soon as payment is received. A bank transfer takes between 2 - 7 working days.
How does a BANK TRANSFER work?
You will receive an e-mail from Buckaroo with the payment information. CAUTION!! PLEASE ENSURE THAT YOU COPY THE PAYMENT REFERENCE EXACTLY AND QUOTE IT WITH YOUR PAYMENT! If you quote an incorrect payment reference the system will not recognize your payment and your products will not be shipped. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we can assist you and manually link your payment to the order. We will ask you to provide proof of payment. The payment will be processed through Buckaroo payment service.
When will you receive your order?
If your payment is completed successfully before 9:00 PM on Mondays to Fridays, your order will be shipped the same day.
How does payment by CREDIT CARD work?
Select your card type: American Express, Master Card or Visa. Enter your information and your payment will be processed.